One of our favorite, if not our favorite artist, Banks Violette has been an inspiration to us at the studio since one of my good friends showed me his work a few years back. Large scale sculptural and installation work is the best and most inspiring stuff to me personally and I would say to most of us here at the studio. Mostly because it requires more then just concept or fine art skill and thinking, there is a lot of engineering and problem solving involved which is something we all love and appreciate. Check out Banks and his work, hopefully you will be as inspired by him as we are.
David Ellis
We won't be posting much news here on the blog because I can't imagine anyone wants to read about the new ad campaign, catalog, photo shoot or tee graphics we're working on. What we will be posting are links to the things and people that inspire us or that we enjoyed. Our first post on this subject is an artist we've followed for a very long time. Artists that do more than just paint and take it beyond the canvas are much more interesting and David Ellis can move through different mediums as well as anyone. From his work with the Barnstormers including taking apart a barn, re-assembling it in a gallery and then painting it over and over for weeks, to his own installations his work is always interesting. Check out this video and if you like it look for more, there's a lot of good ones out there.